Events at MuSa

From 05-05-2024 to 21-06-2024

An afternoon dedicated to the whole family..

Every Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 3 May to 30 June,10:00 - 13:00

#marmo&surroundings “Open MuSA” MuSA permanent collection: a journey through local art and artisan traditions. Multi-projection documentaries. Sunday 5 May, 4.30pm #nonsolomarmo “Families at MuSA” An afternoon of art for the whole family. The urban art of Giovanni da Monreale. Event organized in collaboration with Cooperativa Itinera.

Thursday 9 May, 10:00 am #esperiment@le.2024 “AI ACT” Debate around the first European Regulation on Artificial Intelligence. Event organized in collaboration with Virtualis.

Saturday 11 May, 5pm #marmo&surroundings “Pietrasanta and the art of fire” Bronze: guided tour of art, tradition and technology. Event organized in collaboration with Cooperativa Itinera.

Friday 17 May, 4.30pm #esperiment@le.2024 “The state of the art of NFTs” Analysis of current scenarios and future prospects.

Sunday 2 June, 4.30pm #nonsolomarmo “Families at MuSA” An afternoon of art for the whole family. In collaboration with the Itinera Cooperative. Saturday 8 June, 5pm #marmo&surroundings “From the open-air museum of Pietrasanta to MuSA” Contemporary art: guided tour between art, tradition and technology.

Friday 21 June, 5.00pm #conferences “Digital art: instructions for use"